

Work with us

Sales Manager

- legal resident of Spain
- knowledge of Spanish, English, Russian
- experience in Spanish real estate agencies will be an advantage
- driver's license
- great communication skills
- search for new properties (rent and sale)
- selection of real estate objects according to customer requests
- presentations for the clients
- participation in deals
- the ability to work both in the office (11 offices throughout Spain + co-working spaces of Santander Bank) and remotely
- friendly team
- applications from clients from all over the world
- career opportunities
- one of the highest commissions on the market (both for the finding and for salling from 40 to 75%)
- work as a "autonomo"

We always want to have the best professionals in the real estate sector, therefore, we want you to work with us. Albamar invests in training, marketing and development of the Albamar Group human team, it is always a key element of our success and differentiated from our company.

From the Human Resources Department, we take care of incorporating professionals

We offer our staff an interesting professional project, with logistical and advertising support according to the needs of each position.

Currently, Albamar Group has offices distributed throughout the national territory with a highly qualified human team.

Job offers


Responsable del tratamiento: Albamar Group A1, SL, Finalidad del tratamiento: Gestión y control de los servicios ofrecidos a través de la página Web de Servicios inmobiliarios, Envío de información a traves de newsletter y otros, Legitimación: Por consentimiento, Destinatarios: No se cederan los datos, salvo para elaborar contabilidad, Derechos de las personas interesadas: Acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, solicitar la portabilidad de los mismos, oponerse altratamiento y solicitar la limitación de éste, Procedencia de los datos: El Propio interesado, Información Adicional: Puede consultarse la información adicional y detallada sobre protección de datos Aquí.